
This application has been created with the aim of designing, planning and controlling the needs of a football club, as well as those of its coach and players, that is to say, any problem that may arise within a club can be solved thanks to this great utility.

FootballAim facilitates the work of coaches and technical analysts, regardless of whether they belong to amateur or professional teams. This sports management platform has simple but powerful tools, which also allow the evolution of football players and other teams to be monitored. In this way, the club that uses it will be able to improve the performance of its players and plan tactics to face its opponents for the rest of the season.

Why use this tool

For many years, the management of football teams has been carried out by means of written notes written by the coach or analyst, which were shown to the players to explain the tactics of the game once they were organised.

This task could become quite complicated and time-consuming, so the need to digitise everything that was written down on paper led to the emergence of FootballAim. Coaches and analysts using this application can record absolutely everything in it, as well as having the possibility to create their own training exercises.

Advantages of using FootballAim

  • Among all the advantages of this application are the following:
  1. It has an intuitive design, making it very easy to use.
  2. The coach can create tasks thanks to the chart creator and plan training sessions.
  3. Moreover, he has the possibility to share all this with the rest of his teammates.
  4. You can plan matches and know the results in real time.
  5. Know the team’s statistics and analyse them to improve your team’s performance.
  6. Follow up on new players through scouting.
  7. Invite other coaches to collaborate, review and evaluate the work of a club.

How to create a training task with FootballAim

In the application’s menu, a series of tabs appear, which show the different options offered by the programme. One of these tabs is the task tab. Once inside it, all the tasks that have already been created previously are displayed, but there is also another tab with the “+” symbol through which you can access the menu to create a new task.

To start creating it, you have to fill in a series of fields: the name chosen for the exercise, the objective of the exercise, the label in which you want to group it and which will be used to find it easily in the search engine, its duration, the number of series and the rest time between them, and the repetitions and their duration.

Once this first part has been filled in with the basic data, the next step is to edit the exercise. Here you can add a short description of the exercise. At the bottom of the page you can create a graphical representation in which you can choose the desired background among the predetermined ones, although there is also the option of uploading your own images to create the graphs on them.

Subsequently, a series of elements can be introduced, such as players, balls, mushrooms, mini goals, cones, ladders, hurdles and circles. In addition, there is also the option of highlighting a certain area of the pitch.

Once the exercise has been completed, it must be saved, and it will automatically appear in the menu where it can be edited, copied, shared, sent a copy or deleted.


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