
Marking is the actions taken by the players of a team in relation to their opponents without possession of the ball. The players are aware of what the opponent is doing, how he is going to act or what actions the opponent is going to carry out in attack.

Three types of marking are defined:

  1. – Individual, which is man-to-man, all over the pitch.
  2. – Zonal, this occurs when the player who enters the zone is in the zone.
  3. – Combined, a game situation in which some players mark individually and others mark the zone.


The development of the ball and the area of the pitch where the opponent is located – orientation and distance from the ball – determine the types of marking that occur on the pitch.

Types of marking

Types of marking determined by:

  • the position of the ball.
  • the position of the opponent.
  • the trajectory of the ball.
  • the speed of the ball.
  • where we are on the field of play.
  • distance from our own goal.


Distance at which a marking is made:

  1. Ball – goal
  2. Ball – opponent
  3. Ball – opponent – own goal


Direction, usually in a straight line formed by the opponent and the own goal.


The orientation of the marking shall be:

Behind the opponent when the opponent comes from the front.
In front, which is not usually the norm, in very specific situations: for example when we take a corner kick and a striker stays in the centre circle, so that he does not receive the ball or to anticipate a rebound.
On the side in a lateral position, especially when the ball is on the opposite side of the attack, the ball is on the other side.

Orientation: facing the ball and without losing sight of the opponent, considerations to take into account when marking:
– Position yourself close to the opponent, the defender’s distance from the opponent will be the distance of your outstretched arm touching the opponent, more or less 1 metre.
– Position yourself between the opponent and your own goal. And facing the opponent, i.e. a straight line between the ball, the opponent and your own goal and try to see all three.
– Do not lose sight of the player to be marked.
– There is no good marking without good anticipation.
– Tighter marking, closer, more on top, when the opponent is closer to our goal.
– Zonal marking: we mark the player who enters our zone. At the same time I keep an eye on who enters my zone and see if more than one enters. And when I move out of my zone, I keep an eye on who might enter it, I look at them out of the corner of my eye. Be aware that the player’s zones are usually large.
– Action to be taken by the marker: movement to approach the opponent and anticipatory movement.

Individual defensive tactical concepts.
– Marking
– Defensive 1×1 tackles
– Anticipation.



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