
Bosu is an English word that comes from the words Both Sides Utilized, which means two usable sides. It is a sports apparatus that has two parts, one flat and the other concave, in the shape of a half moon, in order to be able to perform different exercises. It can be used on both sides. The soft part is like half of a Fitball and is inflated with an inflator. Whichever of the two parts you use is an unstable platform.

When you get on it, at the beginning, you have to keep your balance in order not to fall off, you have to start using it little by little, it is recommended to warm up gently before using it.

As it is an unstable platform and you have to maintain your balance and posture, you have to work and tone many muscles to avoid falling, many of which you will work involuntarily.

The platform usually has a diameter of about 65 cm, its height ranges from 20 to 25 cm and is used in different positions, with the flat side up or down. They are highly durable and can withstand a maximum weight of about 140 kilograms.

Depending on how we use it, we will work the different parts of the body, the upper body, the central part of the body or the lower body.

It can be used individually or in group classes (the exercise can be performed to music).

It is a product that you can have at home and use individually. It is most commonly found and used in gyms, sports schools, in schools for physical education, in amateur or professional sports clubs of any sport.

The movements you make are multidirectional, the athlete acquires a static stability (proprioception) and a dynamic stability, where many joints are exercised.

It is mainly used for balance and stability exercises, as well as to work on strength and flexibility. The workouts performed with the bosu are functional workouts, balance is the basis of the movement.

The bosu allows the entire musculature to be worked, without impact or additional loads. It can be used for all ages, all physical conditions and all types of sportsmen and women.

In addition, it is also often used for rehabilitation and recovery from injuries where physiotherapists work with it and recommend it.

In the market there are also other similar devices that we call unstable platforms that can perform similar exercises.

Types of Bosu

There are several types and sizes of bosu of different materials, you can find nice and quality PVC. In addition, many of them usually have a manual in physical or digital format (for Ebook) with different exercises. There are also some bosus that come with elastic bands to work the upper body in combination with the lower body.

The prices depend on the size, the quality of the materials and the functionality that we are going to give it. These elements have to be adapted to your height and weight.

They are generally easy to carry, so if you are looking for a lightweight, consider the size and weight when buying.

What parts of the body are worked on?

  • Improves basic physical conditions: strength, endurance, coordination, balance, flexibility.
  • Upper body: arms, hands, triceps, biceps, shoulders, forearms, etc.
  • The central part of the body, the trunk: pectorals, abdominals, pelvis, back, spine, trapezius, deltoids, lumbars, etc.
  • The lower body: legs, quadriceps, thighs, knees, ankles, hamstrings, calves, calf muscles, soleus, etc.


  1. Improves balance, body control in static and moving postures and body stability.
  2. Improves flexibility.
  3. Helps, perfects and increases coordination.
  4. It strengthens the whole central part of the body, the core. The abdominals as well as the lumbar and cervical muscles.
  5. The buttocks and lower body are strengthened.
  6. Endurance is another of the qualities that are improved, cardio and respiratory system.
  7. Agility is enhanced.
  8. In ordinary life they help us to move in a safer and more efficient way.
  9. It improves your mood, helps you to feel more confident walking or running, the same when climbing stairs and your body responds better to any stumble. Your self-esteem is higher, as is your self-confidence.

How to use it?

  • Warm up before use.
  • Do the exercises in trainers.
  • Select exercises according to your level, depending on your fitness level.
  • Work the lower body.
  • They can be used with other sports equipment, such as weights, elastic bands, dumbbells, tensors, etc.
  • Start with basic exercises, until you master them, then move on to more complex ones and increase the difficulty.
  • Vary the exercises, do seated exercises, standing exercises (with one foot), kneeling, jumping, lying down, arm raises, squats, etc.
  • You can do the exercise alone or in combination, also in physical circuits.


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