
The pass is the technical action that creates a connection between two or more players in a team, by giving the ball by means of a touch. It is therefore the initial element of every combination, which establishes the basis of team play.

This passing favours possession of the ball, making it possible to dominate the game and allowing rapid progress towards the opposing team’s goal. In order to pass correctly, the technical, tactical, physical and psychological aspects must be interrelated.

The player who executes the pass must take into account the precision and strength with which he throws it, as this is the only way to ensure that the player who receives it can control it easily or play it directly. The pass must be made at the right moment, and even adapted to the movement of his team-mate. However, he does not always have to pass to the foot, as it may come out looking for him.

The player making the pass must also be aware of the following aspects: the ball, the position of his team-mates and opponents, the state of the pitch and the weather, as well as the area in which he and the receiver are located.

The pass provides speed to the game, reduces player fatigue, prevents injuries and can clarify a confusing situation. It must be a function of the different situations that arise in the course of a match.

Types of pass

The pass can be classified as follows:

  • According to the distance, it can be short, medium or long. Short passes are simple and precise while long passes can be the most effective for launching a counter-attack.
  • Depending on the height, it can be high, medium or low.
  • Depending on the trajectory, it can be straight or with spin in order to avoid obstacles.
  • Depending on the direction, it can be diagonal, horizontal, forwards or backwards. The back pass is defensive and is used to neutralise pressure and maintain control of the ball.
  • Depending on the surface of contact, it can be made with the foot, head, trunk or thigh. The goalkeeper may also use his hands. The pass with the foot can be made with the sole, heel, toe, instep, left or right side of the foot.


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