
A rotation consists of an exchange between players. It takes place when there is a physical need: the human body needs time to rest and recover from the efforts made during training and matches, since, as we already know, training is as important as rest for the adaptation of our body. If a player does not get enough rest, he is more likely to suffer an injury, whether it be muscular, bone or ligament injuries, and he will experience greater muscular wear and tear and a greater accumulation of tensions.

It must be taken into account that any player, no matter how much or how little he earns, suffers physical wear and tear. Just because a player earns more money does not mean that he is no longer tired. It does not increase his ability to endure pain or suffering, and it certainly does not reduce his risk of injury. However, the need to rotate players should not be done strictly for physical reasons, but also for psychological reasons.

Within a team it can be quite difficult to assign roles to players that help to maintain a balance between them, as there are always those who feel they are indispensable. This can be counterproductive for the interests of the team in the short and long term. This is why rotations are necessary. They allow the available resources to be managed correctly, changing the role of the players during the course of the game and taking into account the demands of each individual match. Any player who is part of the squad has the right to play, and if not, it is necessary to consider whether the squad is not well designed.

It is the coach’s job to distribute playing time among the players in his team. However, this task can be quite complicated, as he must know how to choose the right rotations to make and the minutes in which to make them. If he can make all team members feel integrated in the team, always taking into account their sporting qualities, the coach will be able to multiply individual performance, as well as create a good atmosphere in the team.

Reasons for carrying out rotations

  1. Rotations are one of the most advanced strategies in football team management. Although many coaches still find it difficult to make use of them, they should be taken into account for the following reasons:
  2. Prevent players from overloading themselves by playing too many minutes. Players who play a lot of minutes are more prone to injury.
  3. The decrease in a player’s physical performance, especially when he plays two or three matches in the same week. In addition, the loss of energy experienced by the player also negatively affects the performance of the rest of his team.
  4. Maintain the competitive state within the team. Many players find it hard to understand that they have to rest, but once they have done so, even they are the ones who ask for rotations, as they become aware of what they mean for achieving the objectives of the season.


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