Elastic bands

The elastic bands, also known as elastic bands, are elements of individual training, resistance bands or elastic bands to train physical preparation, with which you can train all parts of the body, you can train all the muscles, and do it in a small space, which serve to complement any type of training, both individual and collective sports. A basic element, together with the exercise bike, which allows you to train comfortably at home.

The type of exercise we do is strength training. The advantage of working with this material is that it does not put a lot of pressure on the joints, it does not overload as much as weights and can also be used for stretching. They are used to improve muscle tone, stimulate balance (many of the exercises are done standing up) and coordination.

One of the advantages of these bands is that you can work the muscle and make the effort by opening the rubber band in the positive aspect and closing it by controlling the resistance because you hold them (negative aspect) so that you don’t get whiplash. The muscle is contracted in both the concentric and eccentric phases. Another advantage of working with bands instead of weights is that the speed of the movement is greater and wider.

This material is very easy to transport to any training place, as they weigh very little and are inexpensive. They can be used by any athlete, both amateur and professional, and also by players in training at cadet or youth level, always under the supervision of a professional.

They are made of rubber and are elastic, with different hardnesses to offer various levels of resistance. They stretch with the movement made by the athlete and contract again after the movement, stretching the rubber with the part of the body we want.

They adapt to any physical condition and age. They give a great variability to the workouts and are complemented with other exercises.

What are they for?

They are used to work any muscle in the body, working mainly on strength, although we can also work on endurance and flexibility. They can be worked at different angles.

They are also used in rehabilitation, to strengthen the muscles after an injury, to compensate for a muscle that we do not work as much in a particular sport.


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